Quest for Gaming

Quest for Glory 1 Playthrough

I recently started playing through Quest for Glory 1 as the Fighter class. I am recording the gameplay and uploading it to youtube, so the videos can be watched there.

The playthrough will feature a full 500/500 score, and I will also train character stats as much as possible. I am playing through the game in a relaxed pace, so the videos are long and slow paced. It is also fitting that I play …

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Categories: Role Playing Games, Adventure Games, Fantasy

Batman: Arkham Knight

Arkham Knight was released in 2015 and is the finale to the Batman Arkham series. It was released for consoles as well as PC, however the PC version suffered from performance issues and other bugs. It was even pulled from online sales for a while until they could fix it up.

The Arkham Knight logo

I am a big fan of the Arkham series, and have been since the first game, Arkham Asylum. When this game was …

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Categories: Adventure Games, Action

Quest for Glory

So you want to be a hero?

The Hero outside the town of Spielburg The Hero standing by a house

When I was in elementary school, I would frequently visit an uncle who had a large collection of games, not only for the PC but also for the Amiga. In case you are wondering, Amiga was a computer system not too different from the PC. I would spend a lot of time exploring his game collection, always on the lookout for something fun. Among those …

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Categories: Role Playing Games, Adventure Games, Fantasy