Quest for Gaming

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

The 1980's gave us some very interesting and unique movies. The main protagonist would usually be an overly macho badass loaded with unrealistic guns and a bulletproof attitude. It also seemed to be a common movie plot that the apocalypse happened sometime shortly after the year 2000. And that's the premise of Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.

Blood Dragon logo

This game has nothing to do with Far Cry 3, it just uses the same engine. …

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Categories: First Person, Science Fiction, Action

Batman: Arkham Knight

Arkham Knight was released in 2015 and is the finale to the Batman Arkham series. It was released for consoles as well as PC, however the PC version suffered from performance issues and other bugs. It was even pulled from online sales for a while until they could fix it up.

The Arkham Knight logo

I am a big fan of the Arkham series, and have been since the first game, Arkham Asylum. When this game was …

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Categories: Adventure Games, Action


In 1997, the game Carmageddon was released to great controversy. I'm old enough that I still remember the release of the game. In Norway, where I live, it was released without any great hassle. Sure, it was rated 18+, but there were no further restrictions or censorship. However, it was censored in some countries, and even outright banned in certain countries.

Carmageddon title screen

Let's sum up the basic premise of the game. You control your …

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Categories: Racing, Action

Dying Light

A platform with a low brick wall, overlooking a mountainside

Zombie games never held much of an attraction to me personally. I remember playing Left 4 Dead when it was still fairly new, and it was a decent cooperative experience. I will admit, killing hordes of zombies was fun, but after a while it seemed a bit hollow. There was also a bit of a zombie hype some years back, but it never managed to catch my attention. So I will say it now, …

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Categories: Role Playing Games, First Person, Action