Quest for Glory 1 Playthrough
Posted by: Daerandin April 27, 2024, 4:01 p.m. 0 comments
I recently started playing through Quest for Glory 1 as the Fighter class. I am recording the gameplay and uploading it to youtube, so the videos can be watched there.
The playthrough will feature a full 500/500 score, and I will also train character stats as much as possible. I am playing through the game in a relaxed pace, so the videos are long and slow paced. It is also fitting that I play …
View full articleCategories: Role Playing Games, Adventure Games, Fantasy
Spellforce 2
Posted by: Daerandin April 19, 2021, 8:13 p.m. 0 comments
The first Spellforce was a masterful combination of RPG and strategy. In 2006, the sequel Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars, was released. This sequel stuck to the original formula, while changing some of the base mechanics.
I really enjoy the visuals of this game, so there are plenty of screenshots in this article, be warned!
The game had an expansion released in 2007, Spellforce 2: Dragon Storm. The expansion continued the story of …
View full articleCategories: Role Playing Games, Strategy, Real Time Strategy, Fantasy
Posted by: Daerandin May 21, 2020, 9:32 p.m. 0 comments
I am a big fan of both the RPG and RTS genres. Spellforce is a game that combine the genres, and does it well.
The original game, Spellforce: The Order of Dawn, was released in 2003. It had two expansions, The Breath of Winter, and Shadow of the Phoenix, both released during 2004. These days you can usually obtain the game with both expansions as Spellforce Platinum.
We also have an article …
View full articleCategories: Role Playing Games, Strategy, Real Time Strategy, Fantasy
War for the Overworld
Posted by: Daerandin Feb. 23, 2020, 10:16 p.m. 0 comments
Back in the late 90's, we were blessed with a most unusual and awesome game. It was called Dungeon Keeper. It was a game where you were the evil mastermind that constructed dungeons filled with traps and evil creatures, and lured the goodly heroes to their doom. I have no idea how many hours I put into this game. Then came a sequel, Dungeon Keeper 2, with 3D graphics and a vastly refined gameplay. There …
View full articleCategories: Strategy, Real Time Strategy, Fantasy
Posted by: Daerandin Jan. 21, 2020, 10:36 p.m. 0 comments
Soulbringer is a fantasy RPG that was released in 2000 and I originally got the game about half a year after release. When I first tried the game I actually didn't like it, mostly because I had not read the game manual and didn't understand the interface or even basic gameplay elements.
The interface is unusual, and might feel a bit clunky when you first start playing. I actually gave up after just …
View full articleCategories: Role Playing Games, Fantasy
Master of Magic
Posted by: Daerandin June 16, 2019, 4:42 p.m. 0 comments
Among the many games that I played growing up, I still play some of those games to this day. Master of Magic, originally released in 1994, is a timeless classic.
You take the role of a wizard, seeking to become the master of all magic. You start out as the ruler of a small village and must expand for your power to grow. You are not alone as other rival wizards are on …
View full articleCategories: Turn Based, Strategy, Fantasy
Might and Magic VI
Posted by: Daerandin May 12, 2019, 9:27 p.m. 0 comments
Since Might and Magic V, it would take five years before New World Computing released another RPG in the Might and Magic series. The wait was worth it. In 1998, we got Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven.
I should warn all readers that this game is my all time favorite game, this article might show that bias. I will still try to be objective, at least some of the time. …
View full articleCategories: Role Playing Games, Might and Magic, Science Fiction, Fantasy
Heroes of Might and Magic II
Posted by: Daerandin April 22, 2019, 8:47 p.m. 0 comments
The original Heroes of Might and Magic was quite a success and New World Computing wasted no time in releasing a sequel in 1996. Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars.
This game was actually the very first game I ever played in the Might and Magic franchise. I was just 12 years old when I first tried this game, and it left a lasting impression. I played this when visiting …
View full articleCategories: Might and Magic, Turn Based, Strategy, Fantasy
Heroes of Might and Magic
Posted by: Daerandin March 17, 2019, 10:29 a.m. 0 comments
In 1995, New World Computing released a spin-off title from the Might and Magic series. For this article, we will have a look at the very first Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest.
The original Might and Magic games are role playing games with a first-person perspective. Heroes of Might and Magic is a turn-based strategy game. I suppose we have found on common part here, the turn-based aspect. The game …
View full articleCategories: Might and Magic, Turn Based, Strategy, Fantasy
Might and Magic - World of Xeen
Posted by: Daerandin March 3, 2019, 5:51 p.m. 0 comments
For this article we will be talking about two Might and Magic games in one: Might and Magic IV - Clouds of Xeen, and Might and Magic V - Darkside of Xeen, released in 1992 and 1993 respectively.
The reason for handling these two games as one is the fact that they actually do combine into one game if you have both installed. This game takes place on a world that is basically …
View full articleCategories: Role Playing Games, Might and Magic, Turn Based, Science Fiction, Fantasy