Quest for Gaming

Quest for Glory 1 Playthrough

I recently started playing through Quest for Glory 1 as the Fighter class. I am recording the gameplay and uploading it to youtube, so the videos can be watched there.

The playthrough will feature a full 500/500 score, and I will also train character stats as much as possible. I am playing through the game in a relaxed pace, so the videos are long and slow paced. It is also fitting that I play …

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Categories: Role Playing Games, Adventure Games, Fantasy

Digital Content and Copyright

This article is going to be a little bit different from the usual stuff I write. Everything in this article strongly applies to games, but the article is also a lot more general in nature. The issues of copyright and digital content is something I consider to be of great importance to society as a whole, and I also believe it is a strong indication that human society has taken several turns for the worse. …

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Categories: Free Software

Compiling Stronghold 2 AI fix from source

A while ago I created a tool that lets you add AI opponents in multiplayer games in Stronghold 2. The tool can be downloaded for windows on this very website: Stronghold 2 fix

The files available for download are precompiled binaries for Windows. My tool also works on Linux, but you need to compile it yourself. For Arch Linux I have created an AUR package which can be found here: sh2_mp_ai_enabler

I am …

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Categories: Programming, Free Software, Strategy, Real Time Strategy

The importance of backups

If you have ever lost data then you were probably wishing you had a second copy of that data. I had such an experience myself many years ago. I powered up my computer as usual, expecting it to boot up normally. Instead I was greeted by some weird noises, kind of like grating noises. The computer did not boot. I was greeted by my bios telling me that it could not find any bootable hard …

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Categories: Free Software

GNU/Linux and free software

I want to take the time to discuss around the topic of free software. And when I say free software, I don't mean free of cost, I mean software that give the user freedom. Software can be free of charge, but at the same time mistreat its users. Free software on the other hand ensures that the user have full freedom to use the software any way they want, study and modify it, and even …

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Categories: GNU/Linux, Free Software

Spellforce 2

The first Spellforce was a masterful combination of RPG and strategy. In 2006, the sequel Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars, was released. This sequel stuck to the original formula, while changing some of the base mechanics.

The Avatar and his companions

I really enjoy the visuals of this game, so there are plenty of screenshots in this article, be warned!

The game had an expansion released in 2007, Spellforce 2: Dragon Storm. The expansion continued the story of …

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Categories: Role Playing Games, Strategy, Real Time Strategy, Fantasy

Space Hulk

In 1989, Games Workshop released the Space Hulk board game.

First Edition board game

The game is set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and takes place on old derelict spacecraft and other space debris that has been fused together after drifting for centuries. These ancient vessels are referred to as space hulks. As a space hulk drifts through space, as well as the warp, they might come close to inhabited planetary systems. Usually a space hulk is …

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Categories: Strategy, Science Fiction, Warhammer 40,000

Securing your Linux system

Since I recently performed a fresh Arch Linux install on brand new hardware, I decided to delve into a somewhat new topic for myself, security. I am not saying that I know nothing about computer security, but previously I never delved any deeper into the topic than learning security best practices. This was my journey to teach myself computer security on a slightly more advanced level. Please don't take this as a tutorial on how …

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Categories: Privacy, GNU/Linux, Free Software

New Computer 2020

I have only used laptops for the last ten years or so, primarily because I used to live in a very tiny apartment where I would actually struggle to fit a desktop computer. Now I find myself with slightly more space so I have been purchasing parts over the last few months. In May in finally had all the parts and built my first desktop computer in ten years. I've been using it for quite …

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Categories: GNU/Linux, Free Software

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

The 1980's gave us some very interesting and unique movies. The main protagonist would usually be an overly macho badass loaded with unrealistic guns and a bulletproof attitude. It also seemed to be a common movie plot that the apocalypse happened sometime shortly after the year 2000. And that's the premise of Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.

Blood Dragon logo

This game has nothing to do with Far Cry 3, it just uses the same engine. …

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Categories: First Person, Science Fiction, Action

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