Why DuckDuckGo?
First time visitors to this website will be greeted with a detailed explanation of this website's information gathering and sharing policy. Anyone who do not consent to this can either close the browser tab/window, or click on the nifty button to instead be redirected to DuckDuckGo. Additionally, there is an included search bar for this website, which lets you search this website with DuckDuckGo.
I have to admit that the search bar is just laziness on my part, I simply didn't want to code a custom website search at the moment so I just leave that job to DuckDuckGo.
But that brings up the question of why choosing DuckDuckGo? Let me present a little list of why:
- Absolutely no tracking
- No gathered information that could identify you
- Customizable, either through cookies or url string
- You gain unfiltered search results, unlike the Google bubble you live inside when using Google
- Once again, does not track you
So yes, DDG is definitely the search engine of choice for anyone who value a bit of privacy. And before you ask, no I am not afiliated with DDG in any way. I simply admire their work and dedication. So I hope to make more people aware that there are good alternatives to Google, alternatives that do not track. Personally I don't use any other search engine, and I have also configured my browser to use DDG by default.
Categories: Privacy
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